Christmas Day 2020
This photo is a nativity that our churches used over the years as part of the display shown at Pinafore Park. It brings back lots of memories of those who built it and all those who worked at loading it up, setting it up and taking it down.
I do admit that I was disappointed that we had to cancel our Christmas Eve out-door service we had planned with this display as the center piece. So yesterday we moved this nativity to our front step to offer the message that Christmas is still alive even through our disappointments and maybe even because of them.
I can understand that there are many who are struggling and most likely weary from the effects of life and what this pandemic has caused.
Friends, what better time than today for us to seek the one who was born in a stable and in a time when people were living in fear and oppression. And yet God's light shone through the darkness and the Light of the world was born, our Emmanuel, God with us! And His light still shines for us today!
May Jesus find room in your life and in your home. Let your heart be his manger! He is the message in the mess. May God bless you with His love and give you glorious hope, peace and joy.