Thursday, March 26, 2020

The God of hope

The God of hope.
As the world around us grinds to a near halt and we spend so much time in isolation, and perhaps becoming a society of hypochondriacs (although understandable), I’m sure there is still an element of fear and uncertainty of our future.  However, I see some light peeking through the dark clouds of despair as I hear of people using their time to be with family or to show appreciation for our courageous people in the front lines of health care, governing bodies and much needed services.  I smile at those parents who are finding creative ways to do things with their kids that they couldn’t get time to do before or those who are making phone calls or email, texts or social media to keep in touch. 
I'm so grateful that Christian caring shines through the dark clouds…
Quote: “The great hope of Christianity is not that we get to escape all the suffering of the world, but that God is going to use us to be a part of his healing project…” Keas Keasler

With time on our hands, I find myself rather reflective.  For instance….. I’m so appreciative to have spring arriving.  I even got a bit of a tan being out in the beautiful sunny days we’ve been given.   I hear the birds singing and a few flowers poking their heads out of the ground and I reflect on how wonderful it is to see a new season finally arrive.  I encourage each of you to take some time to focus on the signs of spring and give thanks to the God of hope.

As I was growing up, music was a dynamic medium in our society.  As I write this, my thoughts go to a song that many of my age group and older will remember.  I leave you with this chourus to sing (or google it) and enjoy.                             
May the God of hope hold you safely in the palm of His hand.

Though April showers may come your way
They bring the flowers that bloom in May
So if it's raining have no regrets
Because it isn't raining rain you know, it's raining violets
And where you see clouds upon the hills
You soon will see crowds of daffodils
So keep on looking for a blue bird
And list'ning for his song whenever April showers come along.

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