Thursday, April 30, 2020

Fan The Flame of Prayer

TEXT:  2 Timothy 1:3-4
3 I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.

4 Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy.

1 and 2 Timothy was written by the Apostle Paul while in a Roman prison.
Timothy, is a young pastor of a congregation founded by Paul,
and has been mentored by Paul.

While in prison, Paul was only able to write letters, pray, worship and
witness to those who held him captive.

In verse 4, (recalling your tears) we see Paul's profound love for Timothy
and this little flock of Christ-followers.
That love was likewise evident from Timothy and the people toward Paul,
Resulting in a mutual longing to be together again.

1.   A Pastor's heart.
As I read this passage, I find myself with similar feelings for all of you. 
I am deeply concerned for every person of our church family.

In Paul, although isolated, we see a pastoral heart that is filled with love for Christ
and for his followers.

In continued isolation and separation from each other,
I recognize that my heart is grateful for the time I have to at least be able
to pray and write messages of encouragement and love from God's Word.

And I do appreciate the thoughtful email/texts/phone messages that I've received. Thank you!
2.   Longing to be together again. 
In the Christian faith, this "longing to be together" is always our desire.
Jesus promised that one day we would be forever together with Him,
and never again be separated from Him or one another.

Joy will be the permanent emotion along with love and peace.
And so in the meantime brothers and sisters, we await the return to "normal" life,
when we will see each other again. Won't that be an amazing joyful moment?
3.  Fan the flame of prayer.
As for our church family, we keep in touch with the use of modern technology,
but we can use prayer as a way of connecting to our Lord and lifting each other up.

Let us trust in prayer as a holy and powerful connection that links us to Christ
and to each other.

Perhaps make it your personal commitment to use our directory,
along with people you know, to pray for 5-10 households per day.

And, maybe you have time to send a written note of encouragement as well.

4.   Blessing.
And until we meet again, and we will, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.  

Next Pastor's blog will continue on May's theme of 
Fanning The Flame!


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